Sunday, May 20, 2012

Homeward Bound

We have been on the road since 9am this morning. We're in virginia now!! So sleepy!  But happy to get some point!

Homeward Bound

We have been on the road since 9am this morning. We're in virginia now!! So sleepy!  But happy to get some point!

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Thursday we went to Epcot - we had a lot of fun!! It was cool to go on the mission of space ride and the energy ride. While we were there, there was an international flower and garden show made by HGTV, so we saw that. There were disney animals made by was cute. then at night we saw the amazing fireworks and laser show!!!! it was really cool and right over the water. SO COOL!!!!!!

Friday we went back to magic kingdom, it rained just as we got there, so the streets were clear!!!! but then the sun came out and low and behold - it was HOT AND SUNNY again!! hahahaaaa. Then we went to Joe's crab shack for dinner, it was soooo good, but it was a lot of work!! hah..or we're really lazy?

Today we're just going to go for a drive, we haven't really explored outside of our let's see what we see!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sea World & Universal Studios!

Yesterday we went to Sea World. it was HOT and SUNNY all day. I mean HOTTT...we spent some time in the underwater viewing area for the dolphins because it was wicked AC'ed.  We had a great time there, got to see a lot of animals like gators, flamingos, manatees, stingrays and the killer whales. We went to the Shamu show- that was pretty awesome and I have some really good pics to upload. When we left, we went to this little mini golf place near the resort and as we were playing the wind picked up and before you know it there was thunder, lightning and yes.... HAIL!! getting hit with hail while dressed in a tank top is not comfortable.
Today we went to universal studios, we went on rides like E.T, the mummy roller coaster and even Shrek 4-D!! We rode other things too and had a great time! it's still hot as ever!!! So we went to the orlando premium outlets, i got a new coach purse, then we went to Fuddruckers for dinner and then went back to the resort and went swimming and had pina coladas by the pool!!!!! this is the life!!!! Tomorrow we might go to Epcot!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Animal Kingdom!

We went to Disney's Animal Kingdom today. I do have to say I thought it was "OK". There's a lot of talk that it's the most amazing thing ever, but aside from the safari, there wasn't too much that the park offered for us. Don't get me wrong, the safari had us on the edge of our seats - especially when the rhino came running at full speed for the safari car. that was amazing!!! What the heck are you suppose to do?? lol... Truth is, Rhino's can only see about 10 feet in front of them so they run for nothing... and then realize there's something in front of them. We saw a herd of Giraffe's THAT was awesome.. if he got closer, we could practically touch him. They spend only about 30 minutes a  day sleeping..and about 20 hours a day eating..hahaha..i wish i could eat for 20 hours..LOL. Life is so easy!
We went back to the Fantasia Gardens mini-golf place today...that place is so nice!!!! Seriously...if you ever come here...go won't be upset! It was cloudy and humid all day - extremely hot outside...we didn't use sunscreen at Animal Kingdom thinking it would rain, and so when we were at the golf course, at around the 9th hole, the SUN came out..and yep...we got a small burn...
We got back to the resort, walked around a little, we almost witnessed a nature murder!!! We saw these adorable ducks with a baby duckling swimming around enjoying the days sun and low and behold - a HAWK came flying down and tried to swoop the baby duck out of the water, but the ducks flapped at him and saved the day!! boy was that scary!!!  When we got back to the resort- we got a small thunderstorm and some rain (hopefully that lowers the humidity) and then a BEAUTIFUL sunset..i took don't worry, they'll all be on  facebook next week or so.
Tomorrow we'll be going to Sea World!!! and it's so special - we'll have been married 1 month!!! Can you believe it's been a month?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hollywood Studios!

Today we went to Hollywood Studios. We checked out of our hotel we were staying at and off we went! It was fun - we got to see the Star Wars Star Tours ride..that was really good...made me dizzy but it was fun! We saw the Indiana Jones show which was AMAZING. Front row seats were nice. I liked when we went to the pixar town and the Toy Soldiers were running around.. so funny. We got a back lot tour of the hollywood films.. that was really cool, we also saw the animations of disney show..I liked it!
Then we stopped by the Fantasia Mini Golf Course, WOW that was insane!! Never have i seen a golf course quite this amazing.. Some of the holes were at least 90 feet from where you hit the golf ball. And there were hills, and sand and stuff.. So we told the associate how much fun we had and he said it's the largest mini golf course in the world. UM... AMAZING!! go there if you can. Along the way you get to see cute things like ducks, birds...and hundreds of little lizards.
We checked into our resort...WICKED nice. We have a balcony and a separate eating area from the bedroom.. there's a balcony too.. It's 8:30 and still very warm outside.
For dinner we went to the Planet Hollywood. This is THE biggest planet hollywood in the world. GO THERE!!! 3 floors and it's so big they have a DJ. haha love it. I got the grab cakes with veggies and potatoes...thankfully I am not a big potato fan anymore and i passed on that but enjoyed everything else.

Tomorrow we go to Animal Kingdom!! it's going to be another warm day!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012


We got to our first hotel in Orlando at around 7:30 yesterday. We relaxed all night and today we spend ALL day at Disney's Magic Kingdom. We went on a lot of rides, walked around and had some good food. We put our "Fast Pass" in the space mountain machine around 4:30 and it told us to come back at around 6:30-7:10. so we left the park and went and found somewhere to eat. We went to this place called "black angus Steak and seafood". OMG ....if you're ever done here....GO THEREEEEEE!!!! seriously.. go there.
We went back to the park, went on space mountain...and had a great time. While waiting for the Disney Electric parade we went to get ice cream..I know..I know..bad. But it was a soft server hot fudge sundae with a cookie ..and Jeff's had a brownie.. how can you say no???? LOVE.

We saw the electric was nice... then we watched the fireworks...those were so nice too.. But it's only saturday and my feet hurt. But alas, i'll take sore feet over sunburns any day. We utilized the sunscreen =)
We bought our "bride" and "groom" mickey ears too, you get a lot of "congratulations" from both park employees and other guests..too funny.

Tomorrow we pack again, to go to the resort that we'll be at for 7 days. and also - we have Hollywood Studios planned for tomorrow =) was 86 degrees out today!!!!! ;-)

Friday, May 11, 2012

North Carolina!

Ok so last night we got to north carolina at about 11:30. We slept until about 6am this morning (as best as you can in the front seat of a car).
We are in south carolina now,we stopped at south of the border and played mini gold (aka S.O.B) funnn! Now we're like u hours from orlando!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


So we got on the road at 12:27 which was nice. Then like always got stuck in traffic in NY,took the wrong bridge which resulted in us bein on L.I. for a little bit, we even saw the freedom tower and statue of liberty from a distance. No more complaining because that was peaceful.
We made it to Virginia and had dinner...we'll be going through Richmond soon..yay! Almost there
Over and out!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

We begin our journey on Thursday!! Stay tuned for some exciting information!!!!